Thursday, November 5, 2009

Cosy and Warm

My birthday was this last weekend and it feels a little weird to be 26. As silly as it sounds, I never imagined being 26. Everyone says that turning 25 makes them really feel older. For me it was this past birthday. I has a good birthday and spent it with friends and family. It was a lot of candles on the cake!

At my birthday gathering, one of our friends recommended a set of sheet made from fleece. I know it sounds crazy but we really love them! Thanks Dawn! They are really comfy and warm. It really brings out the change in the seasons! Thanksgiving and Christmas are fast approaching!
Wow! They will be here soon!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Sew Loving My Birthday Present

Clayton and I went to Walmart on Sunday after church to pick up a few things. I had promised a friend that I would pick up the fabrick strips that were on clearance for her so she didnt have to go. While getting the fabric strips, I stopped dead in my tracks. Walmart was selling all off all of their sewing and embroidery machines at redicuolously low prices. Brother makes a nice sewing machine and thats what I use now. I never would have thought I would get an embroidery machine because they are so expensive. Walmart had the most expensive machine they carry, usually $379.00 for $100! I asked Clayton if I could have it for my birthday and he said yes! Isnt he the best husband! :) I am really excited about my new machine! I got the last one that they had and I barely know how to turn it on. They are 70 preprogrammed embroidery setting plus multiple stitching settings. It also says there is a setting for quilting! I am SO excited! Now, I just have to learn how to use it!

Sunday, August 30, 2009

God Only Knows

My mom called me this evening with some shocking news. She asked me if I knew anything about the VA Tech murders from earlier this week. I told her that I did but wasnt sure why she was asking. Then she asked me if I remembered little Heidi Childs. I do.

When we first moved to Tennessee I was friends with Kristen Childs, Hield's older sister. I used to go over to their house. I used to carry Heidi around. She was such a beautiful child who always had a big smile. It breaks my heart to think that she is no longer a part of this world. I know that God knows best but I ache for her family. Its all so seneseless. I pray for them.
Please pray for them. I am going to the funeral tomorrow.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Its been awhile!

It has been a long time since I have attempted a blog post. We do not have internet at the parsonage and to get internet we have to drive 25 min into town and then find a place and then more than likely buy something to use internet or pay for the service. So, that is the reason for the silence.

I love the parsonage! If you had told me that I would like living in a parsonage, I would have thought you were out of your mind. We live in the nicest home we have ever lived in since we were married! Our dogs like it too!

School starts on Monday. I am still trying to figure out where my summer went! Oh well!

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Lizards, Deer, and Bears, Oh My!

Wow! Its been a really really long time since I posted. There has been so much going on that has made posting difficult. We are now living at the parsonage and I really enjoy the peace and quiet. Living out so far, we do not have internet, cell phone service, or cable. So, posting is a bit more difficult. Clayton starts at the St. James on the 5th and we are having a semi open house, cookout after service at out new place! One the way home Saturday and sitting in the middle of the road was a Black Bear! I have never seen a bear that close before. I seem to be geting closer to nature. Our first day at the new place we saw two snakes and on Friday Clayton and his parents saw a brand new baby deer! I was so jealous! They were close enough to touch it!
Currently, I am teaching summer school, but I am looking forward to a trip to D.C. with one of my friends from Vegas at the end of the month. It will be good to see Krista again.
Tomorrow I get to go see the newest edition to the Marston Family. I cant wait to hold a new baby! :)

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Movin' On Up

Today Clayton and I went up to the parsonage at Beulah. I cant quite bring myself to call it our place yet. Maybe I will be there when I our stuff is in the house. We are not supposed to be the ones cleaning the house but the man who is the caretaker has family in the hospital. Since we have to be out of the our place by the 15th we need to get the stuff packed at the parsonage. move in! We spent the afternoon cleaning the kitchen, the fridge, and the downstairs bathroom. I hope to get things clean before we While I was cleaning, I couldnt help crying. God has blessed us so richly with this place! I am in amazement of how he takes care of us! The house is wonderful and so large!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Keys to the Kingdom

We got the keys to the parsonage yesterday and it feels like we were given the "keys to the kingdom." We are really excited. As I have said before, we have never lived somewhere so big! Clayton and I took some boxes of books up there this afternoon. I had so much fun going from room to room turning on lights, opening closet doors, and simply looking at the place. Every time we have been up there we have been in a hurry so this was the first time I could look around and truly marvel at God's blessing. I cant wait to move in. Our little house in Lynchburg has been sweet and its been a year of growing closer together.
I am still waiting to see where I will be placed next year. I got an email today that said it would be sometime in the next couple of days but I am starting to get a little antsy! I want to know if I am moving my house and my classroom. Summer is almost in full swing. We only have two full days left of school and then exams.
Annual conference is at Virginia Beach and we are looking forward to a few days away. Besides some trips to Bristol and a few cities within about an hour radius, I have not done much traveling this year. My friend from Vegas, Krista, is coming to visit in July and we plan on going to D.C. for two days. We are going to do the cultural thing... all of the Smithsonian Museums, the Holocaust Museum, the Vietnam War Memorial, Lincoln Monument, and the National Gallery of Art. Even though I was born about 3o min. outside of Washington D.C., I haven't really been back since I was in grade school. It will be exciting to see these places as an adult.
What a summer new house and Washington D.C..... if only there was a President that I liked in office..sigh... well you cant have everything!